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Объявление: Клубный сервис GARAGE.POLOSEDAN.RU

02 мар 2015, 11:40 • Просмотров: 13373441

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Всем привет.
Недавно столкнулся со следующей проблемой:
После снятия машины с охраны не включаются подогревы обоих сидений (даже индикация кнопки не загорается) и не включается печка. Не помню сейчас, но и прикуриватель кажется также переставал работать.
Заглушишь машину и заведешь заново - все начинает работать.
Начал грешить на сигналку (пандора самая простая с автозапуском), но установщик говорит, что там все в параллель подключено и быть не может ничего. Я решил добраться до головы сигналки и отключил главный шлейф. Закрыл машину со штатного ключа (сработал замок), затем снял и проблема то есть то нет. Получается сигналка не причем??? Логики так и не нашел.
То после включения зажигания все работает, то нет. Иногда задержка несколько секунд и после включения кнопки подогрева начинает греть. Несколько раз замечал, что все вроде заработало, а с ручника снимаешь и начинаешь движение, как сразу кнопки гаснут и печка не дует.
В итоге совсем запутался.
Из недавнего (пару месяцев назад) менял контактную группу замка зажигания. Может в ней дело.
Не могу понять что общего в подогреве сидений и печке. Возможна масса где-то плохая.
Посоветуйте, в каком направлении копать.
Заранее спасибо за любую помощь.

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MMOEXP-Throne and Liberty be a testament to the power

04 окт 2024, 14:03 • Просмотров: 465

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the essential aspects of guilds in Throne and Liberty, covering everything from creation to Guild Bases, Guild Raids, and Guild Contracts. Whether you're a seasoned guild member or a newcomer exploring the potential of guild life, this guide is your key to mastering the intricacies of guilds in Throne and Liberty.

General Information:

Guilds become accessible to players once they reach level 3 in Throne and Liberty. The Guild UI Tab serves as the gateway for players to either search for existing guilds to join or take the initiative to create their own guild. If you opt for the latter, you'll have the opportunity to customize your guild with the following options:

Guild Emblem:

Choose a distinctive emblem that represents your guild and sets it apart.

Guild Emblem Color:

Customize the color scheme of your guild emblem to add a personal touch.

Guild Name:

Select a memorable and fitting name for your guild, creating an identity that resonates with members.

It's important to note that while you can leave a guild at any time, there is a cooldown period to join another guild once you leave.

Guild Bases:

Guild Bases are a significant feature unlocked when a guild reaches level 2. These bases serve as hubs for guild members, offering a range of benefits and activities:

Increased Mana and Health Regeneration:

Guild members experience enhanced regeneration of mana and health while within the Guild Base.

Home Arena - Guild Dueling:

Guild Bases include an arena where members can engage in duels with each other, fostering friendly competition and skill improvement.

Guild Merchants:

Access to specialized Guild Merchants within the Guild Base, providing unique items and resources for guild members.

Guild Raids:

Guild Raids, a pinnacle PvE activity, are accessible from Guild Bases, challenging guild members to face formidable raid bosses for weekly rewards.

Guild Raids:

Guild Raids represent collaborative PvE activities located in Guild Halls. These raids allow guild members to join forces and engage in epic battles against raid bosses. As guilds level up, they gain access to increasingly challenging raid bosses. It's important to note that Guild Raids must be initiated by Guild Officers holding ranks above Advisor.

Key features of Guild Raids include:

Teleportation after Victory:

After successfully defeating a raid boss, players are teleported back to the Guild Hall to claim their hard-earned rewards.

Guild Contracts:

Guild Contracts introduce quest-like activities that guilds can undertake collectively, earning valuable rewards such as Guild Coins. There are three main types of contracts:

Territory Contracts:

Require guild members to defeat specific enemies in various regions, promoting exploration and collaboration.

Dynamic Event Contracts:

Involve completing dynamic events with special conditions, adding an extra layer of challenge to the guild's activities.

Dungeon Contracts:

Task guild members with defeating monsters in specific dungeons, fostering teamwork and strategic dungeon exploration.

Guilds have the flexibility to complete multiple contracts each day, earning Guild XP and resources upon successful completion.


In Throne and Liberty, guilds represent a vital aspect of the gaming experience, fostering community, teamwork, and shared accomplishments. This comprehensive guild guide equips players with the knowledge needed to navigate the creation, management, and participation in guilds. Whether you're embarking on Guild Raids, tackling Guild Contracts, or simply enjoying the camaraderie within your Guild Base, the world of Throne and Liberty is richer when experienced alongside fellow adventurers. Embrace the collaborative spirit of guilds, forge bonds with your guildmates, and let the journey through the expansive realms of Throne and Liberty be a testament to the power of unity in the face of epic challenges.

For more exciting follow-up, follow MMOEXP(https://www.mmoexp.com/Throne-and-liberty/Lucent.html)
Беседка >

MMOEXP-Barbarian brawler or an up-and-coming Spirit

04 окт 2024, 13:57 • Просмотров: 549

Diablo 4 Season 6: A Comprehensive Overview

As Diablo 4 gears up for Season 6 with the much-anticipated Vessel of Hatred update, players are bracing themselves for a host of changes, adjustments, and new features that promise to shake up the meta and enhance the Diablo 4 Gold gameplay experience. Following the recent developer stream, we've gathered detailed insights from the patch notes and PTR (Public Test Realm) testing results. This article will provide a thorough examination of how each class is faring with the new changes, comparing their current state to expectations for the upcoming season.

Overview of Class Changes

The developers have made various adjustments to each class, addressing balance issues, introducing new skills, and modifying existing ones. The updates seem to aim at creating a more level playing field while offering new mechanics and opportunities for creativity in build crafting.


The Barbarian class has faced a mixed bag of changes. While Season 5 saw Barbarians struggling relative to other classes, the PTR introduced significant adjustments that initially boosted their performance. This included a rework of the damage increase from main stats, which temporarily positioned Barbarians in a better spot thanks to their unique gear potential, given their four weapon slots.

However, in the final patch notes for Season 6, the developers reverted these changes to align with Season 5's mechanics, which has pulled the Barbarian's power back down. On a positive note, the changes to the Paragon legendary glyphs, moving towards less conditional bonuses, may enhance the Barbarian's versatility in combat.

A noteworthy addition is the Mighty Throw skill, which, while fun, may not be powerful enough to become a meta choice. Furthermore, the introduction of the Thorns passive skill provides a glimmer of hope for a viable Thorns build, especially since it scales well with gear quality.

Overall, the Barbarian remains in a reasonable position—likely in the lower tier of classes—but still viable for players who enjoy its playstyle.


The Druid class is often a point of contention among players, and the changes in Season 6 continue this trend. The most significant alteration is the introduction of the Stone Burst skill, a channeled ability that increases in size and damage the longer it is used. However, channeling skills can be problematic in Diablo's fast-paced combat, especially when they prevent movement. While Stone Burst may find utility as a buffing tool for other skills, its core functionality remains questionable.

The nerf to the Bold Chieftain aspect and the change in how the Nature's Fury passive interacts with skills has effectively dismantled some of the strongest Druid builds, particularly the Storm Slide build. These adjustments have left many players feeling frustrated, as they limit creative build options while providing little compensation in terms of power elsewhere. Nevertheless, the Druid class may still find itself in a competitive position, likely landing fourth in the class ranking this season.


Unfortunately for Necromancers, the changes for Season 6 have not been kind. The class struggled significantly in Season 5, and the recent updates do little to alleviate those issues. The Unmaker unique helmet's nerf, which removed its ability to equip two ultimate skills, has left a major gap in gameplay options. Additionally, changes to the Soul Rift skill's mechanics reduce its effectiveness, further limiting build diversity.

The silver lining comes in the form of buffs to minion-based builds, as adjustments allow for better scaling with existing skills and stats. However, given the class's recent history, players remain skeptical about whether these changes will result in meaningful improvements or merely shift the balance from one underperforming build to another.


Rogues have been on a rollercoaster ride of balance changes throughout the previous season. While they boasted several strong builds, recent updates have introduced a wave of nerfs that may shift their power level. The Dance of Knives skill showed promise on the PTR but was subsequently adjusted, limiting its effectiveness and leaving players uncertain about its role in upcoming builds.

Changes to the Victimize passive have also been contentious. The 25% damage reduction combined with an internal cooldown significantly alters how this passive interacts with damage output. While Rogues can still create effective builds, the reduced consistency in their damage may lead to a shift in class rankings.


The Sorcerer class received the most substantial nerfs in the Season 6 patch notes. Previously dominant builds like Splintering Energy and Lightning Spear were hit hard, with major adjustments affecting their mechanics and damage output. These changes have left players in disbelief, as the class now appears to be considerably less viable than it once was.

One particularly shocking change involved the Unstable Currents ultimate, which no longer counts its bonus skill casts as full casts for triggering effects. The limitations placed on Lightning Spear and Splintering Energy make it difficult to predict how these builds will perform moving forward. Players are left waiting to see if any new, powerful builds can emerge from the rubble or if the Sorcerer class will languish as the weakest choice.

Spirit Born: A New Addition

The introduction of the Spirit Born class brings new excitement to Diablo 4. As a new class with unique mechanics, expectations are high for its performance. Given the history of new classes in games, it is likely that the developers will err on the side of making Spirit Born strong at launch. With 16 potential spirit hall combinations and the ability to mix various archetypes, players can anticipate discovering a multitude of powerful synergies.

While it is too early to draw concrete conclusions about Spirit Born's viability, it is safe to say that its introduction will likely create exciting new meta builds that challenge the established norms. Players will undoubtedly keep a close eye on how this class develops once Season 6 is live.

Class Rankings and Final Thoughts

Based on the changes and insights gathered from the patch notes, the anticipated rankings for Season 6 are as follows:

1. Necromancer: Expected to perform the lowest, given its series of nerfs and limited viable builds.
2. Barbarian: Will likely occupy the lower tier but remains a playable option for fans of the class.
3. Druid: Could potentially find a middle ground, depending on how effectively players can adapt to the changes.
4. Rogue: May oscillate between second and third place, depending on how recent changes affect build diversity.
5. Sorcerer: Faces significant hurdles but could still be a solid choice if any new builds emerge from its adjusted mechanics.
6. Spirit Born: Expected to dominate the high-powered build scene due to its fresh mechanics and potential for broken synergies.

Overall, Diablo 4 Season 6 is shaping up to be a pivotal moment for the game. As players dive into Vessel of Hatred, they will discover new builds, strategies, and synergies to explore. The anticipation of a fresh meta, combined with the thrill of new content, ensures that Season 6 will be a captivating experience for both new and veteran players alike.

As always, players should remain engaged with the community and continue testing the new mechanics in real-time to fully understand the implications of these changes. Whether you're a Barbarian brawler or an up-and-coming Spirit Born, there’s much to buy Diablo 4 Items look forward to in the ever-evolving world of Diablo 4.
For more exciting follow-up, follow MMOEXP(https://www.mmoexp.com/Diablo-4/Items.html)
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MMOEXP- Packing a walkout is always exciting

04 окт 2024, 13:51 • Просмотров: 382

Mastering EA Sports FC 25: The Ultimate Guide to Packs, Walkouts, and Building Your Dream Team

EA Sports FC 25 has arrived, offering players around the globe a fresh and immersive football gaming experience. With new features, revamped mechanics, and plenty of customization options, it has quickly become a favorite among football enthusiasts. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is opening packs, as they offer a chance to acquire highrated players and improve your Ultimate Team. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the EA Sports FC universe, learning how to approach pack openings and understanding walkouts is key to building a competitive squad.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the packopening experience, provide insights into recognizing walkouts, and help you maximize your teambuilding efforts in EA Sports FC 25.

What Are Packs in EA Sports FC 25?

Packs in EA Sports FC 25 function as a loot boxstyle feature, where players can acquire random items, including player cards, stadiums, kits, and other assets. Ultimate Team players typically buy these packs using coins (the ingame currency), FIFA Points (purchased with real money), or rewards earned through ingame challenges and competitions.

Different types of packs offer different rewards, varying in quality and quantity. Some packs are highly specialized and contain limitedtime promotional items, while others are more general and provide a wide range of player ratings. Opening packs is often thrilling due to the possibility of packing highrated or special cards, but it can also be hit or miss due to the random nature of the contents.

Types of Packs in EA Sports FC 25

EA Sports FC 25 offers several different types of packs, each with its own set of features. Understanding the different pack types and their potential rewards is crucial when deciding which ones to open.

1.Gold Packs
Gold Packs are the most common type of pack available in EA Sports FC 25. These packs contain a mix of player and nonplayer items, with at least one rare item. They are divided into Standard Gold Packs and Premium Gold Packs. Premium Gold Packs offer a higher chance of rare items and EA FC 25 Coins more valuable cards, making them slightly more expensive.

2.Promo Packs
Promo Packs are limitedtime packs released during special ingame events or promotions. These packs are more expensive than standard packs but provide better chances for highrated players or special cards, such as TOTW (Team of the Week) players or eventspecific items.

Some common Promo Packs include:
Rare Player Packs: Contain 12 rare gold players.
Jumbo Packs: Offer a larger number of items, often including rare player cards.
Ultimate Packs: One of the most expensive packs, containing 30 rare gold players, all of which are 82 rated or higher.

3.Silver and Bronze Packs
While these packs are less popular among Ultimate Team players, Silver and Bronze Packs offer lowerrated players and items. They are useful for filling out your squad or completing squadbuilding challenges (SBCs).

The PackOpening Experience: What to Expect

Opening packs in EA Sports FC 25 can be exhilarating. The excitement of potentially landing a superstar or highrated player keeps players coming back for more. As you open packs, you'll notice a distinct animation, especially when packing a highrated card. Here’s what you need to know about the packopening experience:

Walkouts are one of the most exciting parts of the packopening experience. When you pack a player rated 86 or higher, a special walkout animation plays. It’s a sign that you’ve landed a valuable player, and it’s often the moment when players feel the most excitement during a pack opening.

The walkout animation starts with a tunnel sequence, where the player emerges from the shadows, and confetti or lights explode around them. If you're unsure whether you've packed a walkout, there are a few clues to look for, such as the appearance of the lights on the floor. If the lights stretch all the way across the screen, it's a sign that you've got a walkout.

2.Inform Cards and Special Cards
During certain weeks or special events, EA releases special cards, such as Team of the Week (TOTW), Player of the Month (POTM), or eventspecific players (e.g., Halloween or FUTMAS promotions). These cards are marked by a different card design and are often more valuable due to boosted stats.

Inform cards have their own unique animations during the pack opening, with different lighting or card colors. Packing a TOTW or special event card can significantly boost your team's performance or bring in big profits on the transfer market.

Recognizing Walkouts and Special Animations

Recognizing walkouts and special cards is part of the fun when opening packs. Although it may take a few openings to spot the difference, here are some tips to help you identify key animations:

1.Lights on the Floor: As mentioned earlier, if the lights stretch all the way to the end of the screen, it's an indication of a walkout.
2.Walkout Tunnel: If a player walks out of the tunnel during the pack animation, you've packed a player rated 86 or above.
3.TOTW and Special Cards: Look for the distinct card designs and special animations, such as fireworks or confetti. These indicate that you've packed a special or inform player.
4.Icon Packs: Icon players are some of the rarest and most soughtafter cards in EA Sports FC 25. The walkout animation for Icons includes a retrothemed card design and a special sequence where the player emerges from a golden tunnel.

Maximizing Your Pack Openings: Tips for Success

Opening packs can be unpredictable, but there are several strategies you can use to maximize your chances of landing valuable players or items:

1.Open Promo Packs During Special Events
Special ingame events, such as FUT Birthday or Team of the Season (TOTS), often offer exclusive packs with a higher chance of landing toptier players or special cards. Save your coins or FIFA Points for these moments to get the best return on your investment.

2.Look for Guaranteed Walkout Packs
Some Promo Packs guarantee that you will get a player rated 84 or higher. These packs often come with a higher price tag but offer a better chance of landing walkouts and special cards. If you're looking to add top players to your squad, these packs are worth considering.

3.Keep an Eye on the Transfer Market
After opening packs, check the transfer market to see the current prices of your players. Some highrated or inform players can fetch significant prices, especially if they’re part of a special promotion or highly demanded for squadbuilding challenges.

4.Complete SBCs for Pack Rewards
Squadbuilding challenges (SBCs) are a great way to earn packs without spending additional coins or FIFA Points. Completing SBCs often rewards you with valuable packs that can contain rare players, walkouts, or special items.

What to Do with Your Walkout Players

Packing a walkout is always exciting, but the real question is: what should you do with the player once you've got them? Here are a few options to consider:

1.Use Them in Your Squad: If the walkout player fits your team’s chemistry or fills a needed position, consider keeping them in your squad. Walkouts often have high stats that can improve your team's overall performance.

2.Sell Them on the Transfer Market: If you don’t need the player, sell them on the transfer market for a profit. Walkouts and special cards tend to fetch higher prices, especially if they're part of a popular promotion or event.

3.Hold Them for SBCs: Some walkout players are valuable in squadbuilding challenges, especially if their rating is required to complete a specific challenge. Keep an eye on upcoming SBCs to see if your walkout player can help you complete a valuable set.

Final Thoughts: The Thrill of EA Sports FC 25 Packs

Opening packs in EA Sports FC 25 is one of the most exciting and addictive parts of the game. Whether you're chasing walkouts, special cards, or just looking to improve your squad, there's always a chance that the next pack could hold a gamechanging player.

By understanding the different types of packs, recognizing key animations, and using smart strategies, you can maximize your packopening experience and build the ultimate team.
For more exciting follow-up, follow MMOEXP(https://www.mmoexp.com/Fc-25/Coins.html)
Трансмиссия (МКПП, АКПП) Polo седан >

Акпп буксует

20 сен 2024, 09:09 • Просмотров: 1035

Поло 2019 1.6 акпп при переключение на d есть маленький шум тук тук. Иногда еще чу чуть как будто буксует жму в газ. он секунд через 2 3 едит .что может быть,кто сталкивался с таким?провода защита картера или хана коробке приходит ?пробег 250 и где норм сервис в уфе не дорогой по поликам хороший чтоб не обманули подскажите пожалуйста.

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несколько дней назад возникла непонятная ситуация-при попытке открыть багажник с кнопки на водительской двери он не открылся. после того как была открыта водительская дверь все заработало- багажник среагировал на кнопку. с того времени чтобы открыть багажник с кнопки в салоне или с брелка сигнализации надо открыть водительскую дверь. Может у кого было подобное? подскажите, что делать

Здравствуйте. Поло седан 17г.в. (автомат 1,6/110лс) пробег 60000км. Скажите пожалуйста, наблюдается ли масложор у этих двигателей? Случилась неприятность, решил проверить уровень масла, а щуп сухой, масло менялось в апреле 8т.км проехали после этого примерно, датчик масла не сработал и встал вопрос или масложор у двигателя появился или же это масло так угорело, раньше заливал оригинал VAG, сейчас заливаем Liqui Moly LEICHTLAUF HIGH TECH 5W-40 Масло моторное.

Wiki: Ремень ГРМ VW Polo и ремкомплекты ГРМ

08 сен 2022, 16:22 • Просмотров: 3424

Новая запись в нашей энциклопедии "Ремень ГРМ VW Polo и ремкомплекты ГРМ"
Ремень ГРМ и ролики для Фольксваген поло седан

Для желающих улучшить динамические характеристики Volkswagen Polo седан предлагаем вашему вниманию чип-тюнинг Polo седан в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве прошивками Polo Drive.
Прошивки Polo Drive сочетают комфорт управления, отличную динамику, уменьшенный расход бензина, стабильные обороты двигателя на прогреве.
Также, по желанию, возможно прошивка версиями с увеличенными оборотами ХХ.
Стоимость прошивки 6 тр.
Клубная цена 5 тр предоставляется исключительно при предъявлении клубной карты или владельцам машин с клубной символикой.
Прошивка моделей с 90/110 лс доступна ТОЛЬКО в Москве, Петербурге, Краснодаре:
Москва 8-916-587-4131 Максим (МеханикMsk)
Санкт-Петербург 8-921-592-8813 Владимир (ShishSPb) . Также периодически бываю в Великом Новгороде, Пскове, Великих Луках
Краснодар (918) 628 2249 Виктор
Прошивка моделей с моторами 85/105 лс доступна в городах:
Москва 8-916-587-4131 Максим (МеханикMsk)
Санкт-Петербург 8-921-592-8813 Владимир (ShishSPb) . Также периодически бываю в Великом Новгороде, Пскове, Великих Луках
Краснодар (918) 628 2249 Виктор
Тюмень, Екатеринбург (929) 269 0357 Артем
Сургут (912) 9000-707 Михаил
Казань (917) 283 0697 Айдар

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